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52nd NORDTEK conference

Contact Persons' Meeting

Contact Persons' Meeting

The Contact Persons’ Meeting will be organised on 12th-13th of June.

Tuesday 11 June 2024
19.00Welcome reception
City Hall (Aurakatu 2)
Wednesday 12 June 2024
Venue: G106 Kosmos, Arken
08.30-09.00Registration and coffee
09.00-09.10Welcome to the NORDTEK2024 Conference
09.15-9.40Conference Talk 1 - The Promise and Challenges of Generative AI from an NLP Researcher’s Perspective, Professor Phillip Ginter, University of Turku
09.40-10.00Move to meeting room for Contact Persons Meeting
10.00-10.15New developments on NORDTEK, Peter Göranson, Secretary General
10.15-11.00Welcome and introductions of participants
Presentation of Åbo Akademi University, Katie Fagerström
Presentation of University of Turku, Annukka Väre
11.00-11.45Formal Contact Person Meeting, Tea Vellamo & Riina Potter
Updates from Steering committee and working groups. Discussion on further developments.
12.45-14.20Formal Contact person meeting continues, Tea Vellamo & Riina Potter
Updates from Steering committee and working groups. Discussion on further developments.
14.20-14.40Coffee break
14.45-15.15Walk around the campus and back to the city, Annukka Väre & Katie Fagerström
19.00Conference Dinner at Turku Castle
Thursday 13 June 2024
09.00-10.00Coffee available in the lobby
09.15-10.15Meeting with NORDTEK Student Group - Inclusion and Short-term Mobility
Identifying and reaching students with fewer opportunities
Ideas on promoting short term mobilities and on identifying barriers and enablers for student participation
10.30-12.00Best Practices on Short-term mobility
Short term mobilities (such as BIPs and summer schools) have become increasingly popular among students. Also, many partner institutions are offering and promoting their short them programmes. In addition, short term mobilities can offer more inclusive mobility for students with fewer opportunities. How do you promote short term mobilities for outgoing students? What is the administrative process for sharing the different types of short them mobilities and enabling students to apply and receive grants? Are receiving students for short term programmes/summer/winter schools? Do you have an experience on arranging BIPs? Or would you have some other type of a best practice in handling short term mobilities that you could share?
12.00-13.00Lunch and Networking
13.00-14.30Joint meeting with the NORDTEK PhD School Leader Network and Mobility Programme Contact Persons, Tea Vellamo, Tampere University, Mobility Focus Area Leader
-Short presentation of NORDTEK / Peter Göransson, Secretary General
-Funding and possibilities for PhD mobilities in NORDTEK / Riina Potter, Mobility Programme Coordinator
•examples of doctoral mobilities using Erasmus funding
-Presentation of the doctoral course database/ Andreas Grønbjerg
14.30-14.45Contact Persons Group Photo & Farewell
Extra session only for those working/interested in PhD mobility
15.00-17.00PhD contact persons meeting
-Recent trends in doctoral training in the Nordics and Baltics/ Tea Vellamo, Mobility Focus Area leader
-The Finnish doctoral pilot program
-Discussion: We would like to invite you to present and discuss the recent changes and trends of doctoral education in your countries.


The Nordic and Baltic countries have a long history of collaboration but in a time when the accessibility and openness of the Nordic Baltic region has been challenged, mobility of students (including PhD students), teachers and staff has become an even more important tool in the process of retaining and restoring our historical connections. Our similar educational culture and informal atmosphere will lower the threshold, both for collaboration inside and outside academia.

Together the NORDTEK universities provide word class research and education in many fields. Providing our students, teachers and staff access to the NORDTEK network gives them the opportunity to act in an excellent environment within their own field of specialisation. Mobility within NORDTEK will widen their professional networks and open up new paths for future careers. Correspondingly will the member universities will have an influx of highly motivated students as well as ideas from both external and internal teachers and staff. In addition, mobility of students, teachers and staff will increase our intercultural understanding and bring the Nordic Baltic countries closer together.


Annukka Väre
Coordinator, International Affairs
+358 50 348 5046
University of Turku


Åbo Akademi University

Tea Vellamo, Mobility Focus Area Leader
Tampere University

Jari Hämäläinen, Chair PhD School Leaders Network
Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology

Riina Potter, Mobility Programme Coordinator
Tallinn University of Technology

More information about the opportunities via the NORDTEK mobility programme can be found at